Welcome to
Cosmic Dark Energy and Dark Matter
Research Group



    The program of our group focuses on three main subjects of astrophysics: the origin of the universe, dark matter model and dark energy model, radio astronomical observation. Dark matter and dark energy can not be directly detected, but we can study their nature by analyzing astronomical observation data. For example, we can study various astrophysical processes in the early universe by analyzing the signatures in the CMB (Cosmological Microwave Background) and LSS (Large Scale Structure), then we can constrain the parameters in the dark matter model and dark energy model. We also have interest in the formation of first generation of luminous objects and reionization. The research field of our group including numerical simulation, astronomical observation, data analysis and theoretical cosmology.
   Currently, our major research programs are Tianlai Project and Discovering the Sky at Longest wavelength (DSL). We also have good cooperation with FAST and SKA. We sincerely welcome colleagues to communicate and cooperate with us. We also welcome those who are interested in cosmology to join us.

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